

Application closed March 29th, 2022

The Commuter and Transit Bus Private Carrier Pandemic Relief and Jobs Program is a non-recurring grant program to help commuter and transit bus transportation companies alleviate the revenue loss resultant from the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to retain or create jobs. Helping the state’s private carrier industry will both benefit New Jerseyans who rely on the state’s commuter bus services as well as the residents employed by the private carrier companies.
To receive funding, applicants must meet all eligibility criteria described below. The eligibility criteria are non-discretionary and program funds will be allocated based on a predefined formula to ensure the program can be efficiently administered. 


The Program will provide a one-time grant to eligible commuter and transit bus private carriers that operated as essential service providers in New Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic and experienced significant revenue loss due to reduced ridership. To comply with the duplication of benefits provisions within the Stafford Act and as outlined in Executive Order No. 267, Program grants will only reimburse revenue losses that have not been addressed through any other funding sources (i.e., “unmet need”).

The NJEDA believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion are inherent to creating a stronger and fairer New Jersey economy. The Program, outlined by the State legislature, has a tightly defined purpose targeted to provide support to private carrier companies. To support NJEDA’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the application will include voluntary disclosures about applicant company demographic data and request a diversity, equity, and inclusion plan for their organization.

Applicants will have the right to appeal the Authority’s determination of eligibility and award amount.  Appeals must be filed within the timeframe set in the declination letter (which must be at least 3 business days but no longer than 10 business days). Due to the proportional distribution of funds, all funds will be held from assignation until all appeals are resolved, after which funds will be disbursed.  

Permit the use by NJEDA of applicant, and information that is provided in the application and audit process, and that is not otherwise prohibited by law, for case studies and to support the development of future versions of this program, or future alternative programs.

The Program will use the definitions of the following terms quoted from the Federal Transit Administration in the NTD Glossary.

Federal Transit Administration (2021, December 22). National Transit Database (NTD) Glossary. United States Department of Transportation. Retrieved December 22, 2022 from

  1. What is a Fixed Route service?
    • Services provided on a repetitive, fixed schedule basis along a specific route with vehicles stopping to pick up and deliver passengers to specific locations; each fixed route trip serves the same origins and destinations, such as rail and bus (MB); unlike demand responsive (DR) and vanpool (VP) services. Can be found in: A-10, A-20, S-10
    • For the purposes of the Program, eligible applicants need to provide a fixed route service by bus (MB).
  2. What is a Commuter Bus Service?
    • Local fixed-route bus transportation primarily connecting outlying areas with a central city. Characterized by a motorcoach (aka over-the-road bus), multiple trip tickets, multiple stops in outlying areas, limited stops in the central city, and at least five miles of closed-door service.
  3. What is a charter service?
    • A vehicle hired for exclusive use that does not operate over a regular route, on a regular schedule and is not available to the general public.
  4. What are vehicle revenue miles?
    • The miles that vehicles are scheduled to or actually travel while in revenue service.
      • Vehicle revenue miles include:
        • Layover / recovery time.
      • Vehicle revenue miles exclude:
        • Deadhead;
        • Operator training;
        • Vehicle maintenance testing; and
        • Other non-revenue uses of vehicles.
    • For purposes of the Program, Vehicle Revenue Miles reported to the NTD, as recorded in Annual Data Tables 2020 Service, or through NJ Transit as a private carrier in 2020, will be used in the calculation for the pro-rata allocation of funding.



For more information or to ask a specific question please send an email to and a team member will reach out to you.